Boar Semen doses

Color for improved organization

There are various little tricks possible for optimizing the efficiency of your teams, but also limit the risks of mixtures between boars terminal semen and pure semen.
 Indeed, do you know the “Poka Yoké” technique (translated by anti-error from Japanese)? It is a continuous improvement technique that has two main aims: on the one hand, avoid unintentional errors in the production and logistics processes and, on the other, correct dysfunctions when they occur.
This article sets out some tips for you to limit risk while increasing your productivity.

Organizational tips

GenePro Blister : semen bags for boar semen

Within a boar stud, there are different types of doses:

  • Pooled semen
  • Pure breed semen
  • Terminal doses

It is very important to differentiate these boars doses to avoid any mistake during insemination. For this purpose, within the Gènes Diffusion breeding facilities, we use a non-spermicidal food coloring which is used to highlight the specific characteristic of the dose easily. For example, blue corresponds to pooled semen, green to Large White purebred boars, colorless are terminal semen… etc. These food dyes do not impact on the semen, offer a genuine organizational gain and secure the production process

Boar semen doses inside colored tray

In the same way, the doses are then deposited in colored units, each unit corresponding to a particular genetic firm: Red for PIC, blue for Axiom, Yellow for Danbred, etc. and to a genetic type (Pietrain, crossbred, etc.)

A little tip to save time before sending the doses to the farm, and avoid having to recount several times, is always have the same number of doses in a unit! The photo shows each tray containing a maximum of 25 doses.

These openwork trays also simplify semen cooling. For more information on this subject, please read the article “Importance of semen cooling: what approaches to take?”

A plus for your breeder customers

Inseminating a sow with a terminal dose instead of a pure semen dose can have a significant economic impact for a breeder. And therefore significant economic and reputational consequences for an AI center as well. It is then essential to differentiate the different doses visually.
 This will reduce the stress of laboratory workers, but also the recognition of the breeders who will appreciate the steps taken by the center to simplify the insemination process.

Do you also have any tips in your center on how to avoid unintentional errors in the production and logistics processes? Feel free to comment on this article and share with the Boars & Semen community!

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